..............................Since 1937..........................................

We meet the second Tuesday on the months we are not racing (November thu April , July thu Sept.) We meet at Bev Prangers, 139 N. Highland, Indianapolis, at 7:00 PM. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in more information, please contact either Club President, Rick Schroder at schrotz@yahoo.com or Don Adams, our liberator, at bethelpond@gmail.com

Find a lost bird? During Racing season or while training we sometimes lose one of our precious birds. If you should find a banded pigeon, please go to: https://www.pigeon.org/pages/lostbirdinfo.html or call one of the two gentlemen listed above. Thank you for caring.




About IRPC

Affiliated with

Racing Pigeon Articles

Racing Pigeon Resources

Web page updated November 18, 2023. For questions contact
club president, Rick Schroder at 812-821-3132 or Don Adams, 317-670-0929

Indianapolis Racing Pigeon Club
2003-2016 Band List








2022 Race Results